Community Mental Wellness Resources for Students and Parents

At Pontiac High School, we recognize the importance of mental health in achieving academic success and overall well-being. Below is a list of nearby community resources designed to provide support, guidance, and education on mental health topics. Whether you are seeking counseling services, support groups, or other mental health resources in the area, we are here to help you get the help you need. Remember, prioritizing your mental health is important for your overall well-being and happiness. Let’s work together to create a supportive community where everyone can access the resources they need to thrive
911 – Emergency Services
988 - 24/7 Canada Suicide Prevention Hotline
Info-Santé 811 – 24/7
Quebec Hotline
Info-Santé 8-1-1 is a free and confidential telephone consultation service for health and psychosocial issues. If you or a family member is in crisis or if you need parenting support, they can provide you with support and resources. Press Option 2 for speak with a Social Worker.
Campbell’s Bay Court House
30, rue John, Campbell’s Bay Qc J0X 1K0
Services: Accompaniment, Post-traumatic and psychosocial Intervention, Legal information, Information on your rights and remedies, Information on your rights and remedies Technical assistance, Referral to specialized resources
Janey Landry – Counsellor

L’EntourElle is a shelter for women who are victims of violence and/or in difficulty, with or without children. Open 24/7. Located in Fort-Coulonge.
Phone: 819-683-2709
Fax: 819-683-1031

Bouffe Pontiac
Food Bank and Sharing Store, Collective Kitchens, Collective Garden, Second-hand Item. If you wish to use our services, just call or visit during office hours. No references are needed.
2 Elsie St., P.O. Box 309
Campbell’s Bay, QC J0X 1K0
Tel.: 819-648-2550 – Fax: 819-648-2667
Director: Kim Laroche
Co-ordinator: Manon Gervais

Crisis Services Canada
1 866 APPELLE (1.866.277.3553)
Crisis Services Canada (CSC) is a national network of existing distress, crisis and suicide prevention line services. They are committed to supporting any person living in Canada who is affected by suicide, in the most caring and least intrusive manner possible.
Tel-Jeunes Helpline
Need to talk to someone?
- Call 1-800-263-2266
- Text 514-600-1002
- Visit their website for a live chat with a counsellor
Kids Help Phone
Talk to a counsellor anonymously for free either on the phone or on-line chat at any time.
- Call 1-800-668-6868
Sex'Info Outaouais
Have a sex question, but too shy to ask? Simply text your question to 819-303-3737 and you will receive an answer within 24 hours. No matter your age, gender or sexual orientation, this service is free, anonymous and available in English.